USA Beauty Supplies is a top retailer for beauty products that are 100% authentic and original. -#1 online source for beauty products. They guarantee that all items purchased from USA Beauty Supplies are 100% authentic and original. All products we carry are fresh, brand new, and only from our authorized distributors. They have products like Box Sets & Kits, Brush Irons, Conditioner, Curling Irons, Flat Irons, Hair Brushes, Hair Clippers and Trimmers, Hair Curling Products, Hair Dryers, Hair Finishing Products, Hair Repair Products, Hair Shine Products, Hair Straightening Products, Hair Styling Products, Hot Air Brushes, Hot Setters, Miscellaneous, Nail Accessories, Nail Polish, Perfumes & Colognes, Shampoo, Skin Care & Facial Products, Tools, Waving & Crimping Irons from hot brands.
Technology: RTML (Yahoo Store Template Designing Language), Ajax, Java Script, PHP
Server O/S: Linux based yahoo server
Database: Special database solution for Yahoo store, it is liner database and we can manage through CSV file. Yahoo also provides the support for MySql database.
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