eBay Store Design Package
eBay Store Design Package Includes:
Logo Design
Based on initial requirements document we will provide eight Logo concepts. Customer can choose one logo or we will work on refining the Logo design (up to five modifications). Print ready vector Logo will be provided on request. All other changes are chargeable.
Header Design
We will design custom header on the basis of the final home page design. This consists of logo and things like tag lines, other images, feedback and main navigation links to About Us, Feedback, Policies, Contact, etc.
Home Page Design
This is the front page of eBay store where by default eBay displays up to 30 products in random order. Our goal is to use this custom home page to make eBay Store easier to navigate and to make eBay Store look more like an ecommerce Website rather than an ordinary eBay Store. We provide two home page design concept based on the answers provided in the initial requirements document. Customer can pick one base layout or can combine multiple layouts to finalize the home page layout. Once the home page concept is approved all further changes on home page are chargeable.
Left Navigation Bar
This is the column on the left that contains the names of eBay store categories. We can install more than 20 categories here but not everyone will need or want this feature because it is hard coded and requires HTML knowledge if you plan to add more categories often.
Store and Auction listing template
This is what displays items for sale with the "Place Bid" or "Buy it now" buttons. Most eBay Store owners just need one listing template that matches their eBay Store.
Promotion Box
Promotion boxes can be included on different pages throughout eBay store to promote and advertise items. These flexible, customizable displays can be used for a variety of purposes, such as highlighting featured items, announcing specials, or providing alternative ways for buyers to browse in eStore.
Policy/About us Pages (up to 5 custom pages)
We will design and implement up to 5 Custom pages. eBay allows up to 15 pages for your store, depending on your subscription level.