If you have more than one Yahoo Store for a single business, or you have one yahoo store with alarge number of products, it becomes a lengthy process for you to find out the order and complete order process. We are specialized to work with a customized order management system. We use advanced languages like .NET, PHP, ROR, Java with tools of Jquery, AJAX, Flash and Flex.
Our customized order management system will help you find the exact order from a list of order. You can sort the order by the Store (for multiple store owners), order number, customer name, order amount, order state or zip and more. This will be helpful for you when you need to prompt special discounts for your valued customers. Our order management system can show your total number of orders for a customer with the amount.
Our customized order management software will help you to work out with Order processing, Order Management, Returned Order, Inventory management, Sales Reports (weekly sale/Monthly Sale or compare sales), Find your best selling products, Reports for the product sales, and print orders (new/old orders.). Our order Management Software Solution built using the most empowering technologies in the industry.
Some of our Customized Order Management System Features:
- Easy to manage
- User Friendly interface
- Auto download Yahoo orders
- Executive Dashboard
- Manage Orders
- Order Summary
- Order Status Updates
- Returns and Exchanges
- Find best selling products
- Sales and Cost of Goods Sold
- Sales Analysis Report
- Sales by Product
- Print Order Reciept
- Built-in Export Functions
- Customized Import Functions
- Export customers and products
- Export order status and tracking data
- Export shipping data
- Export orders
Operate one or multiple companies within one instance of our Order Management Software Soution and one or multiple divisions per company. Utilize our standard reports and/or create ad-hoc reports using the included real time, normalized, data warehouse.