ERP IntegrationOrder ManagementPricing CalculationsVendor ManagementReal Time InventoryProduct Management
Built-in Solutions Result In Greater Customer Happiness, Kaizen Serves As A Platform That’s Quick, User-Friendly, Responsive And Constantly Updated.
Real Time Sync
Whenever your online store integrates with your ERP system, all of the product data, relationships and categorization inside your ERP can immediately become accessible online.

Leverage Your ERP
Working using a single point of truth makes sure every element linked to your company utilizes the matching data. This approach guards accuracy for your whole business, as much fewer mistakes can be produced during mapping and interpretation of data.
Stunning Performance
A powerful all-in-one back office solution for retailers and wholesalers
Systemize Your Company's Retail Accounting Using Financial Management Software That’s Built-in With The Other Parts Of Your Organization, Which includes Your Entire Orders, Inventory, Purchasing, CRM, Warehouse Management, Reporting And POS.Automate Your Retail Accounting With Financial Management