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Identification 6
[I1] › Please tell us whether you are a faculty/staff member, a parent, a student, or a community member. [I3] › Please indicate the school in which you teach or work. If you have multiple teaching assignments, please choose your primary work place. [I4] › Please indicate which school you attend. [I5] › Please indicate which school or schools your children currently attend. You may select more than one answer. [I6] › Do you have a child who is either currently attending or has recently completed preschool or kindergarten in this district? [I9] › Please indicate your certification status and your years of experience as an educator:
Federal Programs 12
[FP1] › The aspects of the Title I instructional program I feel are most beneficial are [FP5] › In my experience, teachers in my school (district) are state certified and effective. [FP15] › My school (district) has effective procedures for addressing school safety. [FP18] › Federal funds are used effectively at my school. [PFP4] › To contribute to "Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities" in our district, I would like to see Title IV money spent on: [PFP5] › To supplement what our district is already doing to keep our schools safe and healthy, I would like to see Title IV money used on: [PFP6] › To supplement what our district is already doing in the area of technology, I would like to see Title IV money used on: [PFP22] › I would like my child's school (district) to offer classes for parents on the following: [PFP24] › Please indicate ways in which you would like to see Title I Parent and Family Engagement funds spent at the school and/or district level. [TFP7] › I use disaggregated student data to inform classroom decisions and instructional practices. [TFP10] › I use effective, evidence-based strategies for: [TFP86] › Identify the educational needs of the students at your school who meet the homeless definition.
Curriculum and Instruction 11
[CI7] › Teachers provide instructional activities that involve students in their learning. [CI26] › The educational program offered to students in our school (district) is of high quality. [CI27] › Teachers hold high expectations for student learning. [CI44] › The programs of this school (district) meet the requirement of students with special needs (handicapped, learning disabled, gifted and talented, etc.). [CI101] › Our school (district) is doing a good job in the following areas: [CCI216] › Citizenship is effectively taught in our schools. [SCI144] › My school work is challenging and requires my best effort. [SCI159] › The grading and evaluation of my class work is fair. [SCI165] › Teachers are willing to give students individual help outside of class time. [TCI13] › I develop and utilize various modes of assessments (formal and informal) for varying subgroups (SPED, ELL, etc.). [TCI31] › I incorporate the following evidence-based strategies in my teaching to meet the needs of EL learners:
Parent, Family, and Community Engagement 13
[FC39] › Our school (district) actively promotes parent/teacher communication. [FC42] › Parents take an active role in their children's education. [FC59] › Parents feel welcome in our school. [FC91] › For the most part, I am satisfied with our school. [CFC195] › I keep current with news about the school, as reported by the local media. [CFC197] › I understand the mission of the school in our community. [CFC199] › The goals of the school are consistent with local values held by the community. [CFC229] › In our community parents are involved in their children's education. [CFC246] › Our schools have a positive impact on the community's property values. [PFC79] › Our school (district) provides sufficient opportunities for parent and family engagement. [PFC81] › Parents are informed of the school's policies. [PFC85] › Reports concerning my son's or daughter's progress (report cards, progress reports, etc.) are adequate. [PFC91] › In the past year, I have attended/participated in the following
- School Improvement 2
School Climate and Culture 13
[SC38] › Our school (district) does a good job in preventing students from dropping out by providing them with the support and encouragement they need. [SC46] › Teachers and administrators in our school consistently enforce school rules. [SC48] › Our school (district) provides students and teachers with a safe and orderly environment for learning. [SC56] › Discipline policies are fair at this school. [SC99] › In our school (district) students have access to a variety of resources to help them succeed in their learning, such as technology, media centers, and libraries. [SC118] › I am satisfied with the way school staff members (administrators, teachers, counselors, support staff) treat students. [SC133] › This school (district) provides a clean, well-maintained, and pleasant environment for learning. [PSC113] › As a whole, teachers are concerned about my son/daughter as an individual. [PSC128] › School (district) rules and regulations affecting students are reasonable. [SSC170] › A counselor is available if I need help in solving personal problems. [SSC192] › The variety of activities is great enough so that everyone can find an activity that matches his/her interest. [TSC68] › For the most part, the size of classes here does not limit instructional effectiveness. [TSC73] › The principal of our school is fair and open with teachers.
Technology 3
[TEC1] › A vision for technology has been developed for the district via effective collaboration among administrators, teachers, students, and community/business leaders. [TEC2] › The district has an Internet policy for students that meet the requirements of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). [TEC4] › The district technology staff works to update and maintain the classroom technology to enhance student progress and to improve student achievement.
- Preschool and Kindergarten 2
Covid-19 and Distance Learning 5
[CV2] › The materials provided to me for my child’s or children’s COVID-19 remote learning program are or were: [CV6] › How satisfied are you with your school or district’s COVID-19 remote learning program? [CV13] › What kind of distance learning is or has been taking place in your home? [CV21] › Which of the following would be most useful for the district to offer students and parents to improve distance learning in the future? [CV28] › Which of the following have been the biggest professional challenges related to the move to distance learning and working remotely?
Professional Development 3
[TPD1] › Rank your top ten choices for professional development topics. [TPD4] › Teachers have adequate time for opportunities to learn from each other (professional learning communities). [TPD5] › The professional development I received this year provided me with strategies that were incorporated into my instructional delivery.
- General Opinion 2
Survey summary : 2020 Richton School District Comprehensive Needs Assessment (ID 485679)
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Number of questions/groups:72/11
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