That’s right. You can palm read your Inventory. Mobile technologies and mobile user interface are gaining more ground.
To capture data on Inventory. In Real time.
1) When Your Inventory is Mobile So Are You
As a business grows, complexity creeps in. It is difficult to keep track of your ever increasing inventory.
You wish if you had accurate real time Inventory.
Right now.
What is the best way to do this?
Get an inventory system that is as mobile as you are.
Or a system with a mobile ready admin, so you gain the ability to track your inventory, at any place and at any time.
2) What are The Benifits of Taking Your Inventory Mobile?
End Tracking Inventory from Stressing You Out
Most sales associates on the store floor now have mobile devices.
Why are large retailers switching over to this method of recording inventory?
Because it gives accurate real-time inventory of the store.
At any place and anytime.
What some of the benefits of having a real-time mobile inventory system, it helps:
1. Improve Customer Service - Say if they are running a low Inventory. In such a case they can generate a replenishment from the DC down the store. Right there. Right then. Converting the sale and making the customer happy.
2. Making Important Business Decisions Easy - Managers have quick access to accurate information and data on their mobile devices. This help them act fast on their inventory decision.
3. Optimize Inventory - Eliminates errors and delays associated with paper-based operations
Improving accuracy, efficiency and the general speed of your business.
3) Get the Mobile-Enabled Solution your Business Wants
Ask the right questions to get the right solution for you and your business. Here are some of the questions you need to ask if you are considering taking your inventory mobile:
1. Ask the Vendor for a Solution to Suit your Business Specification - Customization, customization, customization. If a company can not customize to your needs it will not be able to support you. Now or in the future. Make sure that the software you are getting is customizable. It will help hand holding your business towards growth.
2. Ask if they have an Inventory Solution that can Meet your Future Business Growth - Not just warehousing, you may need reverse logistics, repair or manufacturing. Make sure your solution or software can support you as you grow. The last thing you want is limitation caused by your software in the future.
3. Ask for a Solution that will Give you the Granularity of Information - To make better planning. Get the ability to drill down information to your specifications. So you can see exactly where to take action.
To sum it up, mobility solutions are the game changers that will get your Inventory to follow you. Instead of the other way around.