View All Completed Surveys
ID | Seed | LastPage | Completed | Token | First Name | Last Name | Start Language | Start Date Date started |
Datestamp Date Last Action |
ipaddr IP address |
I1 Please tell us whether you are... |
I3 Please indicate the school in ... |
I4 Please indicate which school y... |
I5_I201 Please indicate which school o... Richton Elementary |
I5_I202 Please indicate which school o... Richton High School |
I6 Do you have a child who is eit... |
I9_SQ001 Please indicate your certifica... Certified staff |
I9_SQ002 Please indicate your certifica... Non-certified staff |
FP1_2 The aspects of the Title I ins... Emphasis on cooperation betwee... |
FP1_3 The aspects of the Title I ins... Highly qualified teachers |
FP1_4 The aspects of the Title I ins... Differentiated instruction |
FP1_5 The aspects of the Title I ins... Access to computers and indivi... |
FP5 In my experience, teachers in ... |
FP15 My school (district) has effec... |
FP18 Federal funds are used effecti... |
PFP4_SQ001 To contribute to "Well-Rounded... Improving access to foreign la... |
PFP4_SQ002 To contribute to "Well-Rounded... Supporting college and career ... |
PFP4_SQ003 To contribute to "Well-Rounded... Providing programming to impro... |
PFP4_SQ004 To contribute to "Well-Rounded... Promoting access to accelerate... |
PFP4_SQ005 To contribute to "Well-Rounded... Strengthening instruction in A... |
PFP5_SQ001 To supplement what our distric... Promoting community and parent... |
PFP5_SQ002 To supplement what our distric... Providing school-based mental ... |
PFP5_SQ003 To supplement what our distric... Promoting supportive school cl... |
PFP5_SQ004 To supplement what our distric... Establishing or improving drop... |
PFP5_SQ005 To supplement what our distric... Supporting re-entry programs a... |
PFP5_SQ006 To supplement what our distric... Implementing programs that sup... |
PFP5_SQ007 To supplement what our distric... Implementing systems and pract... |
PFP5_SQ008 To supplement what our distric... Developing relationship buildi... |
PFP5_SQ009 To supplement what our distric... Establishing community partner... |
PFP6_SQ001 To supplement what our distric... Supporting high quality profes... |
PFP6_SQ002 To supplement what our distric... Building technological capacit... |
PFP6_SQ003 To supplement what our distric... Carrying out innovative blende... |
PFP6_SQ004 To supplement what our distric... Providing students in rural, r... |
PFP6_SQ005 To supplement what our distric... Delivering specialized or rigo... |
PFP22_1 I would like my child's school... Abuse Prevention |
PFP22_2 I would like my child's school... Computer Classes |
PFP22_3 I would like my child's school... Conflict Resolution |
PFP22_4 I would like my child's school... Discipline |
PFP22_5 I would like my child's school... Drug/Alcohol Awareness |
PFP22_6 I would like my child's school... English as a Second Language |
PFP22_7 I would like my child's school... Health Classes |
PFP22_8 I would like my child's school... Literacy Classes |
PFP22_9 I would like my child's school... Math Classes |
PFP22_10 I would like my child's school... Parent-to-School Relationships |
PFP22_11 I would like my child's school... Parent/Child Communication |
PFP22_12 I would like my child's school... Preparing for College |
PFP22_13 I would like my child's school... Parenting Workshops |
PFP22_14 I would like my child's school... Social Media Classes |
PFP22_15 I would like my child's school... Stress/Anger Management |
PFP22_16 I would like my child's school... Understanding College- and Car... |
PFP22_other I would like my child's school... Other |
PFP24_1 Please indicate ways in which ... Babysitting/childcare at paren... |
PFP24_2 Please indicate ways in which ... District and/or school newslet... |
PFP24_3 Please indicate ways in which ... Parent resources in the Family... |
PFP24_4 Please indicate ways in which ... Resource materials for parenta... |
PFP24_6 Please indicate ways in which ... Training for parents to work w... |
PFP24_7 Please indicate ways in which ... Travel expenses to attend pare... |
PFP24_8 Please indicate ways in which ... Home/School folders |
PFP24_9 Please indicate ways in which ... Home/School Planners |
PFP24_other Please indicate ways in which ... Other |
TFP7 I use disaggregated student da... |
TFP10_1 I use effective, evidence-base... Developing and using classroom... |
TFP10_2 I use effective, evidence-base... Closing the achievement gap be... |
TFP10_3 I use effective, evidence-base... Successful classroom management. |
TFP10_4 I use effective, evidence-base... Teaching special needs students. |
TFP10_5 I use effective, evidence-base... Providing instructions to stud... |
TFP86_SQ006 Identify the educational needs... Expedited evaluation services ... |
TFP86_SQ007 Identify the educational needs... Expedited evaluation services ... |
TFP86_SQ008 Identify the educational needs... Expedited evaluation services ... |
TFP86_SQ001 Identify the educational needs... Additional academic support |
TFP86_SQ005 Identify the educational needs... Tutoring |
TFP86_SQ002 Identify the educational needs... Enrichment educational services |
TFP86_SQ012 Identify the educational needs... Counseling |
TFP86_SQ013 Identify the educational needs... Mentors |
TFP86_SQ003 Identify the educational needs... School supplies |
TFP86_SQ004 Identify the educational needs... School uniforms |
TFP86_SQ009 Identify the educational needs... Dental referrals |
TFP86_SQ010 Identify the educational needs... Medical referrals |
TFP86_SQ011 Identify the educational needs... Bullying assistance |
CI7 Teachers provide instructional... |
CI26 The educational program offere... |
CI27 Teachers hold high expectation... |
CI44 The programs of this school (d... |
CI101_1 Our school (district) is doing... English/Language Arts (reading... |
CI101_2 Our school (district) is doing... Mathematics |
CI101_3 Our school (district) is doing... Science |
CI101_4 Our school (district) is doing... Social Studies |
CI101_5 Our school (district) is doing... Fine Arts (music, visual arts,... |
CI101_6 Our school (district) is doing... Physical Education |
CI101_7 Our school (district) is doing... Health Education |
CI101_8 Our school (district) is doing... Foreign Languages |
CI101_9 Our school (district) is doing... Career/Vocational Education |
CCI216 Citizenship is effectively tau... |
SCI144 My school work is challenging ... |
SCI159 The grading and evaluation of ... |
SCI165 Teachers are willing to give s... |
TCI13 I develop and utilize various ... |
TCI31_SQ001 I incorporate the following ev... Embed multicultural education ... |
TCI31_SQ002 I incorporate the following ev... Utilize technology such as cla... |
TCI31_SQ003 I incorporate the following ev... Utilize structured note-taking... |
TCI31_SQ004 I incorporate the following ev... Slow down my speech; use short... |
TCI31_SQ005 I incorporate the following ev... Use as many mediums as possibl... |
TCI31_SQ006 I incorporate the following ev... Use think-alouds and think-pai... |
TCI31_SQ007 I incorporate the following ev... Use bilingual handouts and cues |
TCI31_SQ008 I incorporate the following ev... Use visual displays, portable ... |
TCI31_SQ009 I incorporate the following ev... Create and display word walls ... |
FC39 Our school (district) actively... |
FC42 Parents take an active role in... |
FC59 Parents feel welcome in our sc... |
FC91 For the most part, I am satisf... |
CFC195 I keep current with news about... |
CFC197 I understand the mission of th... |
CFC199 The goals of the school are co... |
CFC229 In our community parents are i... |
CFC246 Our schools have a positive im... |
PFC79 Our school (district) provides... |
PFC81 Parents are informed of the sc... |
PFC85 Reports concerning my son's or... |
PFC91_SQ001 In the past year, I have atten... Parent/teacher conference |
PFC91_SQ002 In the past year, I have atten... Checked my child's grades/assi... |
PFC91_SQ003 In the past year, I have atten... Been in contact with my child'... |
17 | 1302942583 | 0 | en | 01/09/2020 13:11:37 | 01/09/2020 13:11:37 | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | 93579346 | 2 | en | 02/09/2020 10:45:39 | 02/09/2020 11:03:43 | | Faculty/Staff Member [I101] | Richton Elementary [I201] | 11-20 years [A3] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Strongly Agree [4] | Strongly Agree [4] | Agree [3] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Agree [3] | Agree [3] | Agree [3] | Agree [3] | Agree [3] | Agree [3] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] | Yes [Y] |